TNR Wealth


Who gets your super?

Who gets your super? Who decides what happens to your superannuation savings when you die? You may think that you do, but that isn’t always the case. The ultimate decision may be made by someone you don’t even know – the trustee of your superannuation fund. Let’s look at how […]

What happens when you can’t manage your SMSF?

What happens when you can’t manage your SMSF? More than 1.1 million Australians manage their superannuation via a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) structure. Many are motivated by the desire to have control over their own money, the potentially lower costs, or the option to make investments that aren’t available to […]

SMSF – The next Gen

SMSF – The next Gen While self-managed super funds have long been the preserve of older Australians with time on their hands and large superannuation balances, new data suggests that younger Australians are increasingly choosing to take direct control of their superannuation savings. According to the Self-managed Super Fund Quarterly […]