Salary sacrifice vs personal contributions to super If you are an employee, there are two ways in which you can optimise the tax-effectiveness of your additional super contributions: opt for a salary sacrifice arrangement, whereby your employer makes additional superannuation contributions beyond the compulsory superannuation guarantee (SG) amount from your […]
The unmatched value of financial advisers in the AI age
The unmatched value of financial advisers in the AI age Digital advice is a hot topic at the moment, bringing with it the debate around human financial advisers potentially being replaced by ‘robo-advisers’. A client James, called into my office last week, explaining that his daughter was using an Artificial […]
5 Common financial mistakes people make in their 40s
5 Common financial mistakes people make in their 40s The 40s are, for many people, a critical decade for building wealth. Income is usually on the rise, but so are expenses such as mortgages and school fees. Juggling priorities can be a real challenge, and mistakes made in this stage […]
Unlocking financial secrets for different phases of life
Unlocking financial secrets for different phases of life One of the keys to financial success is to adopt the right strategy at the right time. As you move through the stages of life here are some tried and tested ‘secrets’ that will help you build and protect your wealth. Teens […]
8 Common financial mistakes people make in their 30s
8 Common financial mistakes people make in their 30s Climbing the career ladder, perhaps buying a home and starting a family – the 30s are an exciting stage of life. However, the decisions made now can make a big difference to future financial wellbeing, and with so much going on […]
What happens to your super when you die?
What happens to your super when you die? Most people are familiar with the idea of leaving the house, the boat or the stamp collection to someone in (or sometimes outside of) their family through their Will. But what about superannuation – what happens when you die and how can […]
Why millennials should be mapping their retirement today
Why millennials should be mapping their retirement today While millennials have for decades been treated like ‘the children of Neverland, who never grew up’, reality is fast catching up with this generation, who are now young adults between the ages of 24 and 40. Like generations before them, they are […]
Who gets your super?
Who gets your super? Who decides what happens to your superannuation savings when you die? You may think that you do, but that isn’t always the case. The ultimate decision may be made by someone you don’t even know – the trustee of your superannuation fund. Let’s look at how […]
What happens when you can’t manage your SMSF?
What happens when you can’t manage your SMSF? More than 1.1 million Australians manage their superannuation via a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) structure. Many are motivated by the desire to have control over their own money, the potentially lower costs, or the option to make investments that aren’t available to […]
SMSF – The next Gen
SMSF – The next Gen While self-managed super funds have long been the preserve of older Australians with time on their hands and large superannuation balances, new data suggests that younger Australians are increasingly choosing to take direct control of their superannuation savings. According to the Self-managed Super Fund Quarterly […]