TNR Wealth

If I was 25 again I would……love budgeting!

For more information or to speak to one of our Financial Advisers please contact TNR Wealth Management on 02 6626 3000.

If I was 25 again I would…

…love budgeting!

I wouldn’t be scared of the ‘B word’ – budgeting. In fact, I’d make a bit of a game of it, tracking where my money was coming from and cracking the mystery of where it was going.

There might not be much I could do about my income, so I’d focus on the spending side; working out how much I had to spend and what was ‘discretionary. Chances are I’d be shocked by what I discovered – spending on things I really didn’t need or particularly want, and not spending on things that are important to me.

I would also set some short-term goals such as saving for overseas travel, a home deposit or supporting a good cause, while leaving room for fun in the here and now. Without being too rigid my goals would help me to prioritise my discretionary spending, support a considered savings plan, and help me get more, not less, enjoyment out of life.

For more information or to speak to one of our Financial Advisers please contact TNR Wealth Management on 02 6621 8544.

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