Why financial success isn’t just a numbers game! Money, finances, investments… it is easy to see why, logically, financial success could be considered a numbers game. However, real financial success requires much more than just numbers that work. It also requires passion, interest, determination, commitment, perseverance, optimism, resilience and more. […]
Financial Planning
To Gift or Not to Gift: Centrelink Gifting Rules for Pensioners
Giving money to your family may be something that brings you joy, but it’s important to understand the financial and tax implications of doing so. As the age pension eligibility is subject to an income and assets test, many part-pensioner retirees choose to give away some of their assets with […]
How to Make a Will – Should You use a DIY Will Kit
Having a will is extremely important—this will be a guide for your loved ones once you have passed. But unfortunately, even if you have a will, it may not be valid or up to date. Finder.com.au research shows that more than half of Australians do not have a valid will. […]